Customer service that tames the untameable.

Does your support inbox feel like a Karen convention? Using proactive peace protocols, I'll help you turn frowns upside down and wallets inside out.






Go from this 😖

To this 🤑

Here’s what few people know: making peace with disgruntled customers can turn your store into a boomtown of rave reviews & repeat orders. Yup, Karens are the best-kept secret to boosting your bottom line.


Hi! I'm Kelly, and I speak fluent Karanese.





After I noticed how luxury brands treat their highest spenders, I developed a customer happiness system that adds a little sass, a touch of class, and a secret weapon I call The Charm Bomb. Now I'm bringing the same system to eager entrepreneurs looking to reclaim their mental peace and turn angry Karens into a new source of revenue for their online store.

Here's how it works:


Make 'Em Breathe

Proactive empathy keeps your reputation shiny.


Make 'Em Laugh

Laughter is the best customer service policy.


Make 'Em Buy

Personalized peace offerings that even Karens can’t resist.


Follow-up is my middle name.

Automated systems and I work in tandem, ensuring no Karen, or dollar, is left behind.

FYI – I only work with these platforms. If you're not on Gorgias, I'll implement it for you for a small fee. Reason being I need precision targeting in handling queries, because speed without accuracy is just chaos.


You focus on growth.
I’ll charm the Karens.

Imagine solving issues before they escalate; that's our promise with lightning-fast responses.

Messages and ad comments.
DMs and ad comments.
Instant replies and queries.
Your main point of contact.
SMS messages, handled.
Cheeky posts, handled.

Time is of the essence. In the digital age, a Karen’s complaint can go viral faster than light. That’s why I'm equipped with the latest in complaint resolution technology to ensure peace is restored at warp speed.

Tales from the frontlines.

Read the irresistible tales from businesses marveling at their newfound peace and profitability.

We had a bunch of stock issues starting out, and Kelly was there to calm nerves and turn pessimism into optimism. Once our stock landed in our warehouse, the launch was a huge success and customers reach out to her with pics and updates. Never seen anything like it!

Apr 1, 2024

Kelly has been transformative for my pants business. I had a small manufacturing issue and she managed to turn these disappointed customers into actual pre-orders.

Mar 24, 2024

When we started selling roofing equipment online, Kelly was there to support an ever-growing community with thousands of questions. She managed to turn most of them into paying customers!

Mar 16, 2024


All you need to do is decide where you're gonna stack all those new dollar bills I'll bring you.


1000 Tickets


My base package. A ticket is considered closed once the customer's query is resolved.


100 Tickets


If you exceed the quota, I'll tally up the extras and bill accordingly at the end of the month.


Gorgias Install

Up to $3,000

Could be less, but not much less. It depends on the complexity of your business.

What do you sell?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas semper nisi quis dolor tincidunt, a venenatis libero bibendum. Nulla tristique at lacus vitae rutrum. Nam hendrerit nisl id justo sollicitudin, vel pharetra justo hendrerit.

Let's get started!
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Great! Now, about you...

Please fill in the details below so that I can get in touch with you.

Please enter your name
Please enter a phone number
Please enter a link to your website
Contact Details
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Are you running on Shopify?

This is a strict requirement. If you're not on Shopify, what are you doing with your life?

Platform #1
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Do you have Gorgias installed?

If not, don't worry about. We'll talk about how we can get you up and running with the world' best customer service platform. Learn more about Gorgias here.

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Platform #2
How much monthly revenue?

I want to make sure I'm able to handle your volume. If you're at a higher tier, and beyong using my services, we can talk about training your existing team.

Project Bracket
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All set?

Thanks for taking the time to complete this form.
Please enter your email below and we will be in contact within 24 hours.

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What's your best contact email?
Thanks! I have received your form submission, I'll get back to you shortly!
Oops! Looks like you're missing some fields. Please go back and fill them out.


Do you work with male Karens too?

I work with all types of Karens, even young ones too. In fact, it's my experience with educating children that steered my career into caring for entitled customers... they're pretty much the same!

How many tickets can you handle?

Our base package includes up to 1000 tickets. For every 100 additional tickets beyond the 1000, you will be billed an extra $250.

How can I pay?

You can pay via credit card, wire transfer, Zelle, or just about any other payment platform accepted in the US!

Do you have a minimum commitment time?

I do not. I believe results are the only way to keep customers happy. You pay monthly, and if you don't get the results you want, you're free to cancel right after.

Can I cancel this service anytime?


Can you install Gorgias for us?

Yes I can. This fee is variable and depends on the complexity of your operation.

Are Shopify & Gorgias a requirement to work with you?

By all means, yes. No exceptions.

How can we measure results?

I'll be marking tickets that were turned into revenue drivers. You'll be able to see reporting on your Gorgias dashboard!

What if my operation is shit?

I can't help you fix that, and it'll make my life a living hell. Nonetheless, I can refer you to someone that could help and perhaps we could work together after everything is tidy.

What if my product is shit?

I can't help you there.

How soon can you start?

We can get started in as soon as 3 days after the initial kick-off call.

How do I get started?

Fill out the form so I can take a quick look at your brand. I'll get back in touch within 24 hours with recommended next steps! From there on, all you need to do is decide where you're gonna stack all that new revenue I'll bring you.